admin 29 Jul 2020


Fracture Healing | ANIMATION | BASICS | The Young Orthopod
16 Oct 2020
Fracture Healing | ANIMATION | BASICS | The Young Orthopod
admin · 4 المشاهدات

3 Exercises To Awake Healing Energies on Hands in Less Than 10 min! ✨

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3 Exercises To Awake Healing Energies on Hands in Less Than 10 min! ✨
Get the 3 videos here:

Reiki Training School Workshops Los Angeles - Torrance

Hello everyone! My name is Carlos.

Today I'm going to share 3 videos, with 3 simple, yet powerful exercises, that you can use to learn how to begin working with energies.

These exercises are very important because you'll learn how to develop the sensitivity to feel healing energies on your hands and fingers, as well as the awareness of this energies on your whole body.

This will help you use this energy for self healing, to energize your water or food with specific vibrational patterns, and eventually, if you choose so, to learn Energy Healing and heal others.

Naturally, the major output of energy, is in our hands.

The center of our hands and our fingers are one of the places in our bodies where energy flows easily, more powerfully, and we can direct it anywhere we want.

At the end of this video you will be able to start working with energies, and use them for self healing, energize the water you drink or the food you eat with Love, Patience, Enthusiasm, Strength or any other quality you need.

If you want to learn more about energy healing, I also teach and certify people on Reiki.

You can contact me about my Reiki Level 1, or other training classes visiting the page on the link below.

I'll see you on my next video, where you'll learn how to quickly start feeling healing energies on your hands!
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Fracture Healing | ANIMATION | BASICS | The Young Orthopod
16 Oct 2020
Fracture Healing | ANIMATION | BASICS | The Young Orthopod
admin · 4 المشاهدات