admin 29 Jul 2020

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Hand Technique for Chi Gathering Meditation
15 Nov 2021
Hand Technique for Chi Gathering Meditation
admin · 6 Views

Audio Meditations - Breathing Meditation


This audio meditation helps you focus your attention on the natural rhythm of your breath. Use the meditation when you’d like to refocus, take a break or reset your day. Follow along with the meditation, taking time to focus on your natural in-breath and out-breath without any judgment, counting or visualization.
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This video is provided for general information only. It does not replace a diagnosis or medical advice from a healthcare professional who has examined your child and understands their unique needs. Please speak with your doctor to check if the content is suitable for your situation.


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In this meditation, we will practice sitting with our breath. This practice can be used anytime whether you want to take a break, refocus, reset your day, or simply ground yourself into the here and now.

Please take a moment to find a comfortable position, if you are sitting keep your back tall but relaxed. Gently close your eyes or rest your gaze on a spot on the floor in front of you. Notice the ground as it provides support beneath you. Take a couple of deep breaths and settle into the natural rhythm of your breath.

Notice where you feel your breath most strongly. It may be at your nose, your throat, your chest, belly, or perhaps externally you may notice how your clothes feel against your body as you breathe. Simply follow the natural rhythm of your breath. Just breathing in and breathing out.

We are not trying to push away or control anything. We are simply directing the mind toward the present moment and our breath. breathing in and breathing out. breathing in and breathing out.

There is no need to count or visualize your breath, just directing your attention on the breath, without judgement. Simply follow the natural rhythm of your breath. Breathing in and breathing out. breathing in and breathing out.

You may notice your mind wanders from your breathe. That is OK. Gently bring your attention back to your breath. Breathing normally and naturally, without changing the breath in any way, just be aware of the breath as it comes and goes. Allow it to fall into its own unique and natural rhythm. Breathing in and breathing out. breathing in and breathing out.

Staying with each moment without struggling or forcing it. Meditation is a time to rest from the constant activity of the mind. There is nowhere you have to be and nothing you have to do but be present with your breath. Breathing in and breathing out. breathing in and breathing out.

Continue to follow the natural rhythm of your breath. Just breathing in and breathing out. Thank yourself for the time you took for this practice today. take note of how you feel now before re-entering your day and know you can always return to the practice at any time.

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Hand Technique for Chi Gathering Meditation
15 Nov 2021
Hand Technique for Chi Gathering Meditation
admin · 6 Views