admin 29 Jul 2020

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Hand Technique for Chi Gathering Meditation
15 Nov 2021
Hand Technique for Chi Gathering Meditation
admin · 6 vistas

Audio Meditation - Time for Rest - Sleep meditation

3 vistas

This audio meditation can help you relax. You may use this meditation whenever you need to take a nap or go to sleep. Get yourself into a comfortable position lying down and make sure you will not be disturbed.
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This video is provided for general information only. It does not replace a diagnosis or medical advice from a healthcare professional who has examined your child and understands their unique needs. Please speak with your doctor to check if the content is suitable for your situation.

Taking space and time for rest. In this meditation, you will prepare your body and mind for rest. Please take a moment to get into a position that is most comfortable for you. If they are not closed already, gently close your eyes. Here you are at a time of day where the pleasures and demands of being with others is over. This is your time. No one is here to compete for your attention. Allow your attention to settle into the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe. If you are laying on your side or on your stomach, you may prefer to observe your breath as you inhale and exhale through your nostrils. There is no need to alter your breathing. Just let your breath breathe itself. Breathing in and out. Nowhere to be but here. As you settle in, allow your body to sink into your bed, underneath your sheets and blankets. Notice the weight of those blankets on you, comforting you. This bed is a refuge, a reprieve, a warm reward that receives you every night after you accomplish so much. Breathing in and out. Nowhere to be but here. Breathing in and out. Nowhere to be but here. You may discover your mind revisiting what you’ve just lived today, or even planning ahead for the coming days. If you notice this, gently bring your awareness back to the sound of my voice and the sensations of your blankets on you. Breathing in… and out… Nowhere to be but here. As you breathe, pay attention to any pleasant sensations, like temperature or texture or weight, of the blankets around you. Breathe in with an awareness of these pleasant sensations. Allow the body and mind to be just as they are. Breathing in… and out… Nowhere to be but here. Breathing in... and out... Nowhere to be but here. Breathing in... and out... In... and out... In... and out...

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Hand Technique for Chi Gathering Meditation
15 Nov 2021
Hand Technique for Chi Gathering Meditation
admin · 6 vistas