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Hand Technique for Chi Gathering Meditation
15 Nov 2021
Hand Technique for Chi Gathering Meditation
admin · 6 Views

Audio Meditation - Comfort your Pain


This audio meditation helps you explore and bring comfort to an unwanted thought or an area of physical or emotional discomfort. Use this meditation when you are feeling overwhelmed or experiencing physical discomfort. Follow along, focusing with kindness and curiosity on an uncomfortable area of your body.
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This video is provided for general information only. It does not replace a diagnosis or medical advice from a healthcare professional who has examined your child and understands their unique needs. Please speak with your doctor to check if the content is suitable for your situation.

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In this meditation, we will practise bringing comfort to an area of discomfort. This does not need to be the biggest or most challenging area of pain or discomfort, but one that you feel open to exploring. Resist the urge to turn away or avoid this area of suffering.
Start by taking a moment to find a comfortable position. If you are sitting, keep your back tall but relaxed.

Gently close your eyes or rest your gaze on a spot on the floor in front of you. Pay attention to the rise and fall of your breath, the natural rhythm of your breathing. Allow your body to settle. Begin to feel the surface that your sitting or lying on, noticing all the points of contact with your body. Gently let go, and allow the surface to support your weight. With your next out breath, begin to focus inwards, with gentleness, noticing areas within that are pleasant, and also areas where there may be some discomfort. Now, with kindness, direct your attention to an area of your body where you experience or feel some discomfort.

As your attention rests in that place, begin to note the qualities in that area, investing it like a scientist, with a curious, but detached interest. Notice how much space this part of your body occupies. Draw an imaginary line around its edges. Notice what colour it is. Maybe one color, maybe many. Just notice.

Notice its texture. Is it smooth? Or bumpy? Or rough? Just taking note, as a curious observer.
Notice its weight. Is it light like a feather? Or heavy, like a bean bag?
Notice its speed. Is it moving slow, or fast? Notice how old it is. Is it young? Or is it ancient? And if it’s old, you can ask, “What can I learn from you?” And see what it answers. Now that you have visualized this area, it’s time to send it some comfort. Starting with the colour, see if you can change the colour in some way to bring some comfort. If it is red and hot, you can make it cool and blue. If is dark, bring in some light. Next, send some comfort by changing the weight. If it is heavy, feel it becoming lighter. Perhaps you can change its texture so it becomes more comfortable. If it’s rough, allow it be smooth. If it’s prickly, see it soften. Now, take some time to see if there are any other ways to bring comfort to this area, perhaps softening if it feels tight. If it feels stuck, let it loosen. You know what needs to be done. And if it is hard to bring it some comfort right now, simply wish to bring it comfort. Imagine seeing a baby creature of some kind, a small puppy, kitten, or whatever comes to your mind, who clearly needs your help. It is scared and alone, and needs to be comforted. How would you talk to it so it stays calm? What would your tone of voice be? How would you approach it? What would your posture be like? If you picked it up, how would you hold it? Now, see if you can send comfort to your area of pain, just like you did for this baby creature. Imagine gazing at it the same way you would with that little creature — softly, without threat. Imagine the tone of voice you would use to talk to it — calm and reassuring.

Imagine picking it up with kindness and gentleness. See if you can treat your discomfort with this type of kindness and compassion. And as you do, be aware of how this sits for you. Staying with this feeling, with this new of way of relating to your pain, and just seeing if you can spend some moments here. Just noticing what happens. And when you’re ready, travelling back to your breath, feel the rise and fall of your chest, with each inhalation and exhalation, and slowly come back to the room. Thank yourself for the time you took for this practice today.
Take note of how you feel now before re-entering your day and know you can always return to the practice at any time.

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Hand Technique for Chi Gathering Meditation
15 Nov 2021
Hand Technique for Chi Gathering Meditation
admin · 6 Views