admin 29 Aug 2020

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Gait Analysis and the Gait Cycle
12 Oct 2020
Gait Analysis and the Gait Cycle
admin · 19 Ansichten

Assessment - Gait - Parkinsonian Gait Demonstration

9 Ansichten

This type of gait is seen with rigidity and hypokinesia from basal ganglia disease. The patient's posture is stooped forward. Gait initiation is slow and steps are small and shuffling; turning is en bloc like a statue. Physical Assessment Guide, Gait exam. Part of a series of free resources to accompany Dr. Nikita Vizniak's Books - for more information see

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Gait Analysis and the Gait Cycle
12 Oct 2020
Gait Analysis and the Gait Cycle
admin · 19 Ansichten