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What is a Goiter? (Enlarged Thyroid)


What is a Goiter? (Enlarged Thyroid) -

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Inside of the neck above the collarbones is a gland known as the thyroid gland. It produces hormones that help the body function normally. When this gland gets enlarged, a goiter is the common result. They were common in the ancient world because their diet lacked iodine. Now, Goiters caused by iodine deficiency are rare.

What are the Symptoms of a Goiter? The front of the neck will swell from barely noticeable to large. The swelling may be painful, but not always. When goiters are large enough, they interfere with breathing and swallowing. Large goiters put pressure on the vocal chords and causes voice changes. Which makes it difficult sleeping on the back since it can block air supply. It's most common for woman over 40 years old with a family history of Goiters.

What are the Causes of a Goiter? A person can develop it as a result of various underlying medical conditions. It can be linked to both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Iodine deficiency is the most common cause of Goiter. Causing the thyroid gland to produce more hormones to counter hypothyroidism. With the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), an endemic goiter is formed. Some Goiter cases can also be linked to pregnancy. During that time, the human chorionic gonadotrophin (HGC) can form a Goiter. The thyroid mistakes HGC for TSH which results in its enlargement. Thyroiditis, inflammation of the thyroid, can also cause goiter. Thyroiditis is usually linked to hypothyroidism. Thyroiditis symptoms include neck pain and a mild fever. Other causes may include Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and multinodular Goiter. Including thyroid cancer and solitary thyroid nodules.

How is a Goiter Treated? Treatment for Goiters depends on the cause. Unless the cause is addressed, the Goiter may not go away. Only rarely does a goiter disappear just as it mysteriously appeared. Have a doctor check it since it can be a sign of a deadly medical condition. Goiters caused by lack of iodine shrink when iodine is replenished. Goiters caused by thyroid problems need thyroid supplements. Worse cases may need radioactive iodine, which can be taken orally. In worse case scenarios, the thyroid may have to be surgically removed. The patient will then need hormone pills to replace the thyroid hormones.

How is a Goiter Prevented? Goiters caused by iodine deficiency, should have their diet adjusted. Iodine is an essential mineral in the production of thyroid hormones. If you are not getting enough iodine, include foods rich in iodine which includes eggs, seafood, milk and lots of fruits. Use iodinated salt to ensure enough daily supply of iodine. Avoid overexposure to radiation if working in a radiation-prone workplace. In addition, avoid certain immunosuppressant and anti-retroviral medications. During pregnancy, take iodine supplements to ensure safety. Finally, avoid lifestyle choices like chronic alcoholism and hard drug abuse.

Be sure to speak to your doctor about your health concerns. This video is meant for educational purposes and is not medical advice.


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Ultrasound Video showing Enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes, Mesenteric lymphadenitis.
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