admin 12 Oct 2020

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Natural Remedies for Acidity, Gastritis and GERD
12 Oct 2020
Natural Remedies for Acidity, Gastritis and GERD
admin · 2 Views

Gastritis | Autoimmune | Gastroenterology Lectures | Medicine Education | V-Learning


Gastritis is a medically important condition characterized by inflammation of mucosa or in other words inflammation of stomach lining resulting in the fewer production of stomach acids and enzymes.

Acute and chronic gastritis are broadly discussed along with their types including phlegmonous gastritis, emphysematous gastritis, environmental and autoimmune metaplastic atrophic gastritis. Moreover, infectious gastritis, autoimmune gastritis, and granulomatous gastritis are delineated. Subsequently, what are the causes that give rise to these inflammations are also elaborated.

One of the major causes of gastritis i.e. H. pylori is discussed separately in the lecture of Helicobacter Pylori Infection where its pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment is properly elaborated.

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Phlegmonous gastritis and emphysematous gastritis are the two types of acute gastritis elaborated in this section. Upper abdominal pain, hypotension, and peritonitis are some of the clinical features of acute gastritis. Diagnosis is made on plain film and several other diagnostic techniques are also used. Acute erosive gastritis is also deliberated in detail.

The factors giving rise to acute erosive gastritis are highlighted in succession. Afterwards, chronic gastritis comes under consideration whose most common cause is H. pylori. chronic atrophic gastritis is further classified into environmental metaplastic atrophic gastritis EMAG and autoimmune metaplastic atrophic gastritis AMAG.

Lecture Duration - 00:47:41
Release Date - July 2019

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Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites responsible for causing infectious gastritis are discussed initially. These include cytomegalovirus, syphilis, candidiasis, and cryptosporidiosis respectively. After that, distinctive gastritides of collagenous, lymphocytic, and eosinophilic origin is explained. Then, gastritis cystica profunda is studied both grossly and microscopically along with hyperplastic gastropathy.

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At first, granulomatous gastritis is discussed. After that, sarcoid gastritis is explained whose most common affected portion is the antrum. Likewise, xanthogranulomatous gastritis which extends into adjacent organs comes under consideration. Furthermore, discussion continues on gastritis in IBD comprising of crohns disease and ulcerative colitis. Gastroprotective agents such as sucralfate, gefarnate, and rebamipide along with other measures are used as a treatment option.

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Natural Remedies for Acidity, Gastritis and GERD
12 Oct 2020
Natural Remedies for Acidity, Gastritis and GERD
admin · 2 Views